Everyday Marvels: The 20th Century Inventions We Can't Imagine Life Without

May 21, 2024

The Columbia Record & Tape Club gave music lovers something to look forward to

Today we're surrounded by technology that would have sent our brains buzzing in the middle of the 20th century. Whether you were born in the post-war boom or on the edge of the new millennium everyone has become so used to modern technology that we've lost the wonder that makes it so special.

A lot of the amazing concepts that we're surrounded with today, from smartphones to blockbuster franchises, come from the 1960s and '70s. At the time, each new thing that found its way to consumers felt like a breath of fresh air. It's a shame that they're taken for granted today. Let's look back at some of the most mind-blowing inventions of the groovy era and see how they're still making waves today.

source: reddit

Founded in 1955, the Columbia Record Company did something truly revolutionary for music lovers - it offered people the chance to order albums through the mail. With this service, they were able to hear new music on a regular basis. The club lasted for decades and it was both the bane of parents' existence and a great tool for hearing your favorite and new favorite tunes.

Of course, this revolutionary service has pretty much been rendered non-existent by streaming services and digital media. Today, young people will never know the joy of opening the mailbox and finding a brand new album waiting for them.

The Slurpee was a must have at every trip to 7-Eleven


It's no surprise to see a Slurpee machine (or one of its many knock-offs) in a gas station or movie theater today. Sugar lovers shell out for a sweat, icy drink in dozens of flavors like it's nothing, but when Omar Knedlik introduced the Icee machine in 1960 (built from an old car air-conditioner) it was a revolution.

In 1965, 7-Eleven agreed to sell the drink under the name "Slurpee" and they were off to the races in markets across North America. Young people were quickly obsessed with the Slurpee. They wanted to know how it stayed so cold and how it managed to hold its cola and cherry flavors so well, but today people don't think twice about these culinary mainstays.