From Monochrome to Color: Rediscovering Famous Structures

April 19, 2024

Unprecedented Heights: Erecting the Eiffel Tower Presented Novel Engineering Challenges

We've all seen the structures included here, some up close and personal and others in images that try to show the grandiosity of these marvels of human construction. But why look at black and white images of these massive structures when we can bring them to life in vivid color? Each stroke of color revives the past, offering a fresh lens into bygone eras.

So keep scrolling and get transported back in time through these expertly colorized images of some of the most imposing architectural marvels from across the world.



Gustave Eiffel designed the Eiffel Tower for the 1889 World's Fair as a monument to commemorate the centennial of the French Revolution. It took 300 laborers over two years to build it. The tower has over 18,000 individual iron parts, and the tower weighs more than 7,300 tons. These pieces were made away from the building site and moved to the location where others put them in place.

The tower is over 984 feet tall. Employees used a system of movable cranes and platforms at different heights to facilitate construction. It was the tallest man-made structure in the world when work finished on March 31, 1889. Initially, it was supposed to be torn down after the fair. Engineers recognized its potential as a platform for broadcasting radio signals. By the 1920s, antennas were installed atop the tower, transforming it into a vital hub for telecommunications.

Building the Hoover Dam in the Desert Presented Logistical and Environmental Challenges


The Bureau of Reclamation oversaw the work of building Hoover Dam, beginning in 1931. The dam aimed to harness the Colorado River's water to use it for irrigation and produce electricity. Temperatures during construction often exceeded 100 degrees, with laborers enduring relentless sun exposure and dehydration. When site surveyor Patrick Tierney lost his life during the construction process in a cableway basket accident, his wife took over, becoming one of the first female surveyors on a significant project.

Employees often toiled at heights of over 700 feet. One of the first tasks was to build a massive cofferdam upstream to change the river's flow. Once the water was gone, excavation began for the dam's foundation. Another early task was building large towers on both sides of the canyon. These structures were essential because a cable was strung between them. Then, buckets were attached to transport supplies.