Unbelievable Photos Reveal a Bizarre Side of History

December 26, 2023

Bar Patrons Toast the end of Prohibition. December 1933


The years of Prohibition in America were a time of great upheaval and uncertainty, as the government sought to crack down on the sale and consumption of alcohol. But for many Americans, the end of Prohibition represented a long-awaited moment of relief and celebration. After years of living in a world where the simple act of enjoying a drink was a criminal offense, people around the country were finally able to let loose and enjoy themselves once more. For many, the end of Prohibition marked the beginning of a new era, one in which they could once again savor the simple pleasures of life without fear of retribution. From the speakeasies of New York to the back alleys of Chicago, Americans celebrated with abandon, raising a glass to a brighter and more free future. Though the road ahead would be far from easy, the end of Prohibition represented a vital step forward in the ongoing struggle for liberty and justice in America.

Black man drinking at ‘Colored’ water cooler in streetcar terminal, Oklahoma City, Oklahom ca July, 1939


The Jim Crow era of the American South remains one of the most shameful and painful chapters in the nation's history. Born out of a deep-seated fear and hatred of African Americans, the era saw the establishment of a brutal system of segregation and discrimination that denied basic rights and freedoms to millions of people of color.

Under Jim Crow, black Americans were forced to live in separate and inferior facilities, denied access to education, employment, and other essential services, and subjected to horrific acts of violence and intimidation. Despite these overwhelming challenges, however, African Americans refused to be broken, fighting tirelessly for their rights and freedoms through nonviolent resistance and other forms of civil disobedience. Through their bravery and perseverance, they paved the way for a brighter and more just future, reminding us all of the power of hope and determination in the face of oppression and adversity.